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Campbell Soup Company

To kick-start their digital transformation efforts, Campbell’s needed to assess the state of their large digital ecosystem. In doing so, many opportunities surfaced and several brand activations followed.

With over 100 distinct digital properties and no cohesive strategy, Campbell’s had an organizational challenge to create a consistent set of guidelines for strong digital presences that would inform their future efforts.  To tackle this problem, RAIN completed a thorough digital audit for each of Campbell’s website and social media channel properties noting areas of strength and identifying opportunities for improvement. Each brand received a personalized scorecard and recommendation set to guide their efforts. Additionally, the organization now had a benchmark of their strongest digital channels and clear examples to point to for brands in need of guidance. 

As a result of the digital audit work, Campbell’s recipe platform Campbell’s Kitchen was identified as an under-leveraged asset. The website and social channels had the strongest engagement of all Campbell’s properties, but the brand lacked a strong identity and strategy. As a part of our work, using social listening we identified dinner time as a prime area of need for Campbell’s audiences and set about building the ultimate dinner recipe platform. Over the course of our work with Campbell’s Kitchen we defined a consumer journey, created a new website, optimized their recipe format based on user testing, managed their email newsletter and social channels to engage with hungry fans, and refreshed the brands creative identity. 

In addition to our work with Campbell’s Kitchen, we led creative work for other brands including Swanson Broth, SpaghettiOs and Chunky Soup. From influencer programs to social media campaigns to a digitally-led Super Bowl spot, the work done with Campbell’s truly enhanced their digital presence and the guiding principles we provided continue to help them be seen as a digital leader in the CPG space. 


77% of Campbell’s Kitchen site visitors made a purchase after visiting (DataLogix/IRI). Additionally, Campbell’s Kitchen had the largest social following of any Campbell’s brand with Facebook fan growth of 12% YoY.

Campbell's jumped from #7 to #2 in Gartner's Digital IQ rankings for U.S. Food Brands between 2018 and 2019.

Chunky Super Bowl spot achieved 5.5MM YouTube views and 31MM earned impressions on social media. The campaign also saw 90% positive sentiment in comments from viewers.

Swanson influencer campaign increased time on site by nearly a minute and outperformed engagement benchmarks with target audiences on Facebook.

SpaghettiOs #DeclareRecess campaign outperformed pre-existing social performance benchmarks by 3x and generated 2x as much social SOV than top competitor.

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