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As one of the most innovative CPG companies in the world, Nestle makes a point of staying ahead of the technological curve. With voice assistant devices in use set to surpass 8 Billion by 2023 (Juniper Research), Nestle wanted to ensure they would be a leader in this new technology.  

In order to educate the organization and operationalize processes to plan and implement voice technology solutions, we led the development of process guidance around voice assistant application strategy, design and development as well as global guidance for voice search and SEO preparation. Following the creation of these materials, we worked with senior leadership to develop a comprehensive voice education curriculum and roll-out program including webinars, email newsletters, quarterly trend reports and topic-specific POVs to keep brands across the organization informed on the latest opportunities for voice.

In addition to the creation of the guides and education program, we worked directly with several priority business units to create voice activation strategies including Infant Nutrition, Food and Recipe and Pet Care teams. 


Presented voice strategy webinar to over 300+ senior executives 

Guided the activation of several app and search pilots across the company. 

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